Frequently Asked Questions

Briefly describe your product and services.

My service is called Five Dollar Fitness. It’s a boot camp designed to enrich my community at a low-cost effective way where I bring all the equipment to them and give my own personal training experience, and make sure that they get the best results, I know possible, at a low price of $5 a class per person.


When you say, “bring all the equipment”, what does that mean?


I bring every equipment that pertains to bodybuilding or any fitness equipment. I bring kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells, step rolling boxes and other working out paraphernalia.


How long is the average class?


The average class is an hour. My first class is actually an hour and my second class in the evening is 45 minutes.


And what is the difference between those two classes?


There is no real difference between those classes except maybe I might shorten the amount of reps or rounds that we do in the second class because there is 45 minutes. The reason why the class was designed to be 45 minutes is because some of my clientele weren’t really willing to do an hour class. I’d be like, “Can you do 45 minutes?” And they said, “Let’s do 45 minutes”.

On average, how many people are in each class?

On average it would be 5 to 10 people per class.


How often do you have these classes and how often does and someone come to these classes?


I have Monday to Friday classes. All of them are in the afternoon. As of right now, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. I also have one morning class on Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.. Most of my clients come 3 times per week. On average, there are some that come all week long. But on average, I would say 3 times per week.


On average, how many exercises in an hour?


I would say on average, about 5 different exercises, 5 different routines.


Is it all the same class or are there different classes for different body parts?


Yes, I change the workouts. We have a leg day or a specific workout for the day. So, leg day would emphasize on legs, then we have an upper body day. I basically condense into a bodybuilding plan that I follow and give it to them. It’s a small version of what I do.


What makes this approach better than other fitness approaches?


I think my program is beyond superior than other boot camp program because number 1 reason, I bring the equipment. I bring everything. Most boot
camps make you bring your own equipment. If not, they’ll give you body weight or they’ll make up some exercises. I have a planned advice for the day. I plan everything for the week, so I am always prepared and I am always prepared for you to just show and I give you the weight and I keep bookmarks on where you are and how I can progress you for the next week or next month. I don’t make you stay at the same level.


Tell me how did you pick this as a way to improve your community.


I was an out of
shape person. I had no idea how to get in shape. I just based myself on Rocky and those training montages he did. I saw Rocky run so I ran and that’s what I did. I had some success but then obviously, I became very stagnant. By that time, thankfully YouTube came around and I just started reading books. It’s all this work. It took me a long time to get where I am right now because I had to teach myself. I didn’t have anybody showing me. I wish I did, but I couldn’t afford it. I was a poor kid. But I never gave up on myself. I knew where I wanted to be and who I want to become, and when I finally became that person when I thought about it, I was like, “There are a lot of kids like me. There are a lot of individual adults like me.” They want to get in shape. They have this vision themselves but don’t know how to attain it. I went through all those hard knocks of teaching myself, had trials and errors that I can help them bypass to help them get there faster. So basically, I became who I wished was in my neighborhood.