No matter your age or physical physique, we instill self-defense, fitness, and valuable life skills, while motivating our students to become more confident and leading members of our community.
I bring every thing you need for bodybuilding or any fitness program. That includes kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells, step rolling boxes and other working out paraphernalia.
It may look easy at first. You're going to start sweating on your first class, I guarantee it! Just take it easy
and just feel yourself out.
If you stick around long enough, and you'll see a drastic change in your weight loss & fitness journey, I'll give you a Free T-Shirt!
Don't like the way you look or feel? I know the secrets to how you can change for the better. It's simple and it's only $5. Let's get started.
No matter your age or physical physique, we instill self-defense, fitness, and valuable life skills, while motivating our students to become more confident and leading members of our community.
© 2019 Five Dollar Fitness.
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